Have you ever wondered how widespread generative AI has become in PR and communications? Spoiler alert: It’s making waves! Let’s dive into the nitty-gritty details, data, and intelligent analysis brought to you by Bitvision.

The AI Revolution in PR: A Glimpse Behind the Curtain

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini (previously Bard), and Midjourney have stormed into the PR scene, making content creation effortless. But how did we get here, and how is this technology changing the game?

The Dominance of OpenAI: By the Numbers

According to Cision data, OpenAI, the brains behind ChatGPT, has become the darling of AI-related media coverage. In 2023 alone, OpenAI boasted over 90,000 mentions across online and social media platforms. That’s a staggering 2,126% increase in coverage compared to the previous year. It’s clear: ChatGPT is the star of the show, leading the pack by a considerable margin.

source: Cision

The Adoption Game: Who’s Using Generative AI?

In the 2024 Cision and PRWeek Global Comms Report, over 400 senior PR and comms professionals weighed in on their AI usage:

  • 32% use it frequently.
  • 33% use it infrequently.
  • 27% are contemplating giving it a go.
  • 7% are not on board.
  • 1% are still on the fence.

Where Generative AI Shines

Generative AI is making its mark across several essential PR functions. The front-runners? Content creation for both external and internal audiences. It’s the go-to for many while media pitches and press releases are still catching up. Interestingly, 42% of respondents are dabbling in using AI for research, indicating that we’re just scratching the surface.

Regional Trends: Who’s Leading the Charge?

source: Cision

When it comes to embracing generative AI, there are some clear regional leaders:

  • Europe: 42% of PR pros are frequent users.
  • APAC: 31% are regularly using the tech.
  • U.S.: Only 24% are on board frequently, but they’re big on experimentation, especially in content creation and campaign brainstorming.

Agency vs. Corporate: The AI Showdown

Is there a difference between agencies and in-house teams? You bet! Here’s the scoop:

  • Content Creation: 42% of corporate comms teams use AI vs. 25% at agencies.
  • Media Pitches: 28% of in-house teams are on it, compared to 14% of agencies.
  • Press Releases: 31% of corporate folks use AI, against 19% in agencies.

The report also focuses on eight key functions of PR professionals, and where respondents’ teams used generative AI to help with those functions. A summary of these finding from all global respondents is below:

source: Cision

The Smart Play: Why Generative AI is a Game-Changer

Generative AI is about more than just cranking out content faster. It’s about working smarter, not harder. The technology can streamline workflows, boost efficiency, and let PR pros focus on strategic tasks like data analysis, visualization, and financial planning. Imagine having an AI assistant that helps you brainstorm, draft, and refine your ideas – that’s the future we’re looking at.

The Fun Part: Embracing the AI Wave

AI’s rapid evolution might seem like a whirlwind, but it’s exciting. Early adopters can gain a competitive edge, mastering tools that will soon become industry standards. The key is to experiment, learn, and develop internal best practices. Think of AI as your new creative partner, helping you brainstorm campaign ideas, draft emails, and analyze data.

Wrapping It Up: The Future is AI

Generative AI is here to stay, reshaping PR and communications in real time. The possibilities are endless for PR teams ready to roll with the changes. So, dive into the data, embrace the technology, and let AI help you unlock new levels of creativity and efficiency.

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